Ventricular Tachycardia Treatment Mnemonic: “LAMB”


The medical mnemonic “LAMB” successfully and most comprehensively encompasses a targeted approach to treating ventricular tachycardia. Each letter signifies a specific intervention—Lidocaine, Amiodarone, Magnesium, and Beta-blockers—that guides medical professionals in effectively managing this potentially life-threatening arrhythmia. By adhering to this mnemonic, healthcare providers including doctors, residents, and med-students can swiftly recall key treatment options, facilitating prompt administration of appropriate pharmacological therapies, restoring normal heart rhythm, and improving patient treatment outcomes.

VT Treatment Mnemonic

Letter Treatment Mechanism
L Lidocaine Blocks sodium channels, reducing automaticity and slowing conduction in ventricular tissue.
A Amiodarone Blocks multiple ion channels, reducing automaticity and prolonging repolarization.
M Mexiltene/ Magnesium Mexiletine: Blocks sodium channels similar to lidocaine. Magnesium: Stabilizes cell membranes and affects ion channels.
B Beta-blocker Reduces heart rate and contractility, suppressing sympathetic activity that triggers VT.

This tabulated format provides a comprehensive guide to the “LAMB” mnemonic, listing each letter along with the corresponding treatment and its mechanism for ventricular tachycardia management.

VT Treatment Mnemonic


Happy learning, folks! 🙂


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