Myocardial Infarction (MI) Signs and Symptoms Mnemonic: “PULSE”
The mnemonic "PULSE" concisely covers all the cardinal signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction (MI). Each letter of this medical mnemonic represents a critical...
Spermatic Cord Contents Mnemonic (Easy & Fun)
The spermatic cord (as the name suggests), is a cord-like structure comprising of a collection of vessels, nerves, and ducts that run to and...
Seizure Differential Diagnosis Mnemonics
Seizures are neurological disorders characterized by signs and symptoms (which last for a brief period of time) due to sudden and abnormally excessive synchronous...
Respiratory Mnemonics PDF Free Download [Direct Link]
Respiratory Mnemonics
The best resp mnemonics for medical student finals, OSCEs and MRCP. You can either vie this piece of Doc or download it through...
Easy To Remember Pharmacology Mnemonics (With Pictures)
OBLIVION — is what comes to my mind when I think of Pharmacology. For a medical student, there is no pain greater than having...